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Don’t Judge: The lady and the Biryani

The heap of food she had put on her plate was beyond decent. No Gymkhana member would do that. It was as if that was her only meal for the day.

We were at the outdoor birthday party of an 8 yr old at the lawns of a prestigious Gymkhana. The party was a picture of happiness, energy and enthusiasm.

Most of the attendants at the party had a kind smile. They seem to know exactly what the kids wanted and how to tame them. The attendants had been working a good twenty to forty years at the and knew most of the member patrons.

In the midst of the hullabaloo, I noticed a lady, in her sixties, seating all by herself at table in the corner, next to the food buffet. She was looking a little unkempt and a lot wrinkled but it was evident that she must have been beautiful and elegant in her heydays. She was wearing a nice designer silk suit but which, just like her, was crumpled and worn out. She seemed to be happy watching the children & the magic show. She was smiling at everyone who passed her table but was not really engaging in a chat.

My sixth sense was telling me she did not belong here. I did not want to ask the hosts as it may offend them and also did want to sound like snob.

Later, when I was at the counter, she was next to me with a tiffin in her hand. She requested the attendant in English, ‘Can you put some biryani in the box and some Jalebis please. I need to carry some for my son. Thank you. God bless you’ She nodded at the attendant, smiled at me, and went off.

I was convinced that she was a freeloader.

I was curious & angry at the same time. How can the attendants allow gate crashers, freeloaders in this prestigious club ? I gestured at the attendant and inquired about the lady. He understood that I had noticed.

He told with utmost empathy,’ ‘Ma’am, she attends all the weddings and the parties at the club and always takes food for her son. She has never created any inconvenience, so we let her be. Ma’am she has already left, please do forget her’. He smiled and went off.

I was still offended. How can someone just crash the party, pilfer food and these people knowingly close their eyes! I called the supervisor and asked him to explain, else I would complain to the host who had not yet noticed this transgression.

The supervisor then went on to tell me her story.

‘Ma’am, she was a patron at the club for many years. She is a life member. Ten years back her husband died. Her children disowned her and she is now left with a son who is 40 years old and mentally challenged. She herself is not too good in the head and health. In her prime, she was a regular here and has tipped us generously. Her husband was a benevolent soul and had even helped a few of us with jobs and taken care of the education expenses of our children’.

‘But how could you allow her at someone else’s party? I asked indignantly. Could you not have given her food from the kitchen itself?’

‘Ma’am her family was respected here. She has hosted many parties. We cannot treat her like a servant and give her leftovers or food from the kitchen. Our conscience won’t allow that. We are not rich but we all have decided to do what we can for their family. All the waiters treat her with full respect and dignity. That is the least we can do. We treat her like a valued guest wherever she visits, which is normally every other day. She loves to attend birthday parties. She says it fills her with energy, happiness and she enjoys the magic shows. These parties remind her of her children and their happy days together as a family.’

I had mellowed down a lot and was feeling a deep sense of guilt besides a sense of gratitude. The supervisor had turned his back and was going when he suddenly turned back and told me. ‘Ma’am the management knows about her. We all feel this is our payback to society in our own small way. All the employees pool in together and pay for this food. We never charge the host for her food.’

That night, I expressed my gratitude towards the Almighty, much more intensely, promised not to judge people without knowing their back story and said an extra prayer for the kind attendants at Club.

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