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Emotional Intelligence in Workplace

Intelligence (IQ) determines whether you get into a top university, the best organization or not, but once you are there, it will be your emotional intelligence which is a stronger predictor of whether you will be in a top leadership position. In the workplace, every day, we go through a myriad of emotions from happiness, passion, envy, insecurity, etc. Each emotion needs to be acknowledged and managed. If unchecked, the ‘emotions’ are capable of hijacking our reasoning leading to chaos and career derailment.

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In work, success depends on how well we manage ourselves and our workplace relationships. It is a known fact that 80% of workplace success is determined by EI. Even more so in this VUCA world, where accelerated speed, changing expectations and instant results are the norm. These require you to be comfortable with discomfort, thrive on changes, weave new collaborations, work on changing rules of the game & innovate, all this causing stress, frustration, self-doubt, etc. Only those who are emotionally agile and stable can survive and thrive in this situation.

Hence, understanding what is Emotional Intelligence and learning to become emotionally Intelligent is of prime importance to enhance our careers as well as lives.

Emotions in Workplace series

We have 3 workshops :

01. Strengthening your Emotional Intelligence

Human beings are emotional beings and yet we have been told that emotions have no place in the workplace. While all job descriptions revolve around rational and executive functions of human beings the reality is that the success of the executives in those jobs largely depends on how well they have managed their own emotions and influenced that of others.

02. Difficult Conversations Made Easy

A difficult conversation is any conversation that you find hard to have. These conversations could range from significant conversations like asking for a promotion, managing a resignation, conducting a performance review to simple conversations as saying ‘No’ to someone, confronting an employee who is late, disagreeing with your colleagues in a meeting, or asking a co-worker to do extra work.

03. Negotiation for Workplace Impact

In our everyday life whether we are aware or not we are constantly negotiating, at times successfully sometimes not so successfully. In our personal lives, we could be negotiating on simple stuff as to where should the family go for a vacation, the hills, or the beach? or could be about whether or not to allow children to go for the movies or a night over. At home, these are simple dialogues and do not seem like ‘negotiations’ and yet these are negotiations!!

Emotional Intelligence workshops will focus
on the following aspects :

These workshops will be delivering on practical implementation of what you learnt through examples as well as tools for participant use.

Understanding IQ,EQ,PQ & SQ

Business case for EQ

EQ in action in daily lives and important situations

Emotions and their importance

Emotional literacy


Steps to manage your own emotions in different situations


Influencing others

Tools and techniques

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