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Have that Conversation

Raghav woke up with a start.

The neighbor’s dog was barking and making a weird sound giving an eerie feeling. It was 2.30 am middle of the night. He had an important presentation tomorrow. He knew he could not sleep for at least an hour now. He was angry, this was happening for the last couple of months. He would wake up every other night and then could not go back to sleep. He was all groggy and exhausted in the morning. He would promise himself every day that he would talk to the neighbors and ask them to do something about the dog.

Yet for the last two months, he had not done so. Every time the neighbor passed him he would just say hi and scoot and each time he would feel like a wuss and felt depressed. He must have spent hours at night cursing and practicing the dialogue with his neighbor many times. In his head many times he made the neighbor agree to give off the dog but many times, in this scenario, the neighbor just would not budge. Yet the real dialogue never happened. He was angry. Angry at the dog, the neighbor but more at himself. His wife would always tease him saying if he could not have this dialogue how was he ever going to stand up to his boss and ask for that promotion!!

Today had to be the day. He made up his mind and was all set to have the dialogue. He was practiced, pumped up and ready. Just then he got the news that the dog had taken ill and had passed away.

He felt a sense of relief. He did not have to have the dialogue and concluded ‘Luck favors those who wait!’

That night he slept well. The next month was uneventful.

One day in the evening his son came up to him excited ’Papa can we buy a dog? The neighbour’s now have bought two Pomeranians. They were so cute’… And the continuous barking began all over again. The barking was especially louder for him!

The next day at the office he and his team were introduced to the new Manager who filled the vacant position he wanted so desperately but never staked a claim for.

His boss had wanted Raghav to take it up and had put the position on the internal job board and hoped Raghav would apply or speak to him.

Raghav never once spoke to his boss.

Boss concluded that Raghav was not interested!!

Speak up, Luck favors only the Brave.

Have that conversation. The one which you have played a thousand times in your head.

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